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      ?More than 40 foreign youth gather in Xiajin to discuss cultural feast together
      China.org.cn 2024-07-22 16:50:05


      On July 15th, more than 40 American youth representatives gathered in Xiajin to immerse themselves in the historical and cultural heritage of Xiajin and experience the thriving high-quality development of Xiajin. During this period, Chinese and American youth visited the Qilu Cotton Museum, experienced traditional culture such as Paper Cuttings and lacquer fans, and learned about the ancient mulberry trees along the old course of the Yellow River in Xiajin, an important agricultural cultural heritage in the world, in the village of Sengxian, a small town of Detpak. The brief trip has forged a deep friendship between Chinese and American youth, and has become a cultural feast that transcends national borders.

      這天一大早,中美青年一行人就來(lái)到了縣檔案館,剛一走進(jìn)門口,青年們便紛紛贊嘆于當(dāng)?shù)卣钩龅募艏垺ā⑵嵘鹊戎袊?guó)傳統(tǒng)非遺文化作品,認(rèn)為藝術(shù)的種子已在中國(guó)青少年心中萌芽。在非遺傳承人的指導(dǎo)下,學(xué)生們沉浸式學(xué)習(xí)了漆扇的制作技藝。“中國(guó)如此多的非遺項(xiàng)目能夠完好傳承下來(lái),這非常值得學(xué)習(xí)。”美國(guó)青年學(xué)生Nyasha Sims稱,尤其是中國(guó)非遺傳承人對(duì)文化的堅(jiān)守令他震撼。

      Early in the morning, the Chinese and American young people came to the county archives. As soon as they walked into the door, the young people began to admire the Paper Cuttings, calligraphy, lacquer fans and other Chinese traditional intangible cultural works on display, believing that the seeds of art had sprouted in the hearts of Chinese young people. Under the guidance of intangible cultural heritage inheritors, the students immersed themselves in learning the production techniques of lacquer fans. The fact that so many intangible cultural heritage projects in China have been successfully passed down is worth learning from,"said Nyasha Sims, a young American student. He was particularly impressed by the cultural commitment of Chinese intangible cultural heritage inheritors.


      Subsequently, the group arrived at the Xiajin Qilu Cotton Museum and began their tour today in a passionate atmosphere. Along the way, the staff walked and explained in detail the history of the cotton industry in Shandong Province and the development of the cotton industry in Xiajin County, focusing on 10 exhibition areas including the museum's theme area, cotton history area, landmark area, inheritance area, cotton research history area, and science popularization area. The vivid and interesting explanations, as well as the vintage artifacts, not only enhance the understanding of Chinese culture among American youth, but also make them more excited about the upcoming itinerary.


      In the afternoon, the young people came to Xiajin Debai Tourist Town to experience the ancient mulberry culture and feel the changes in the local natural ecology. During the visit to the Ancient Mulberry Industry Research Institute, the staff gave a detailed explanation of the Yellow River culture, ancient mulberry culture, and the comprehensive development of the mulberry industry. Foreign young people fully felt the charm of combining modern technology with traditional agriculture.


      It is reported that the ancient mulberry tree group along the ancient course of the Yellow River in Xiajin, a globally important agricultural cultural heritage, has witnessed the historical development of the Yellow River Basin and recorded the cultural genes and historical memory of Xiajin. In history, the ancient Yellow River flowed for 759 years in Xiajin, leaving 300000 acres of sandy land after its diversion. Local people chose to plant mulberry trees that were resistant to barrenness and drought to improve the ecological environment. At its peak, the planting area reached more than 5000 hectares, and now more than 400 hectares remain. There are more than 20000 ancient mulberry trees over a hundred years old, which are important agricultural cultural heritage. The mulberry culture passed down through generations, together with the drum culture and Yellow River culture of Xiajin, constitute the rich cultural connotation and historical heritage of the local area.


      Subsequently, under the guidance of the staff, the group continued to visit characteristic attractions such as the General's Mansion, Duobao Tower, featured homestays, and Xingwu Garden. Youth representatives from both China and foreign countries experienced the unique Xiajin style drumming in Shenxian Village. Under their guidance, everyone gradually found the rhythm and played the drums of friendship and unity.

      活動(dòng)過(guò)程中,美國(guó)青年學(xué)生David Gross在與中國(guó)青年相處中培養(yǎng)了深厚的友情,他認(rèn)為中美青年之間有著彼此相互了解的意愿,只有更多的青年“走進(jìn)來(lái)”“走出去”,才能不斷加深中美青年之間的友誼。“此次參觀活動(dòng),讓我更加了解了中國(guó)及山東的歷史文化,還交到了中國(guó)朋友,我會(huì)一直珍惜這份珍貴的友誼!”

      During the event, American young student David Gross cultivated a deep friendship with Chinese youth. He believes that there is a willingness between Chinese and American youth to understand each other, and only by more young people"coming in" and"going out" can the friendship between Chinese and American youth continue to deepen. This visit has given me a better understanding of the history and culture of China and Shandong, and I have also made Chinese friends. I will always cherish this precious friendship


      In the view of Chinese youth volunteer Lv Wenxu, American youth are full of curiosity about China. They always ask some questions during their visits and are willing to try different experiences. This event allows American youth to perceive China from multiple dimensions, whether it is historical culture or modern development, and also enables Chinese and American youth to better understand each other.

      此次夏津之行,不僅是對(duì)中國(guó)傳統(tǒng)文化的致敬,更是中美青年之間深厚友誼的見證。通過(guò)共同參觀學(xué)習(xí)體驗(yàn),中美青年感受到了跨越文化差異的友誼之美,分別時(shí),雙方依依不舍,相互擁抱,期待未來(lái)再相會(huì)。(通訊員 霍啟志 王曉倩)

      This trip to Xiajin is not only a tribute to traditional Chinese culture, but also a witness to the deep friendship between Chinese and American youth. Through joint visits and learning experiences, young people from China and the United States have felt the beauty of friendship that transcends cultural differences. When they parted ways, both sides were reluctant to part ways, embracing each other and looking forward to meeting again in the future.(correspondent  Huo Qi zhi  Wang Xiao qian)



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